Addicts NOT
Addicts Not Anonymous is the premier non-anonymous online community of drug users, abusers, addicts and alcoholics.
We can help an addict like only another addict can. We know how to get and stay clean. We’ve been there and done that.
I know I’ve been there. I was addicted to heroin for almost twenty years. Not to mention all the other drugs, including methamphetamines, cocaine, even crack that I’ve been addicted to.
Not to mention all the pot I smoked every day my entire life since I was 15 years old. I have been to prison twice, to in-house treatment programs twice, to countless outpatient treatment programs, including AA, NA, CA and other A’s.
I was forced into some and volunteered for others, but none of them worked for me. Personally, I never liked being a nameless, anonymous number, essentially a nobody.
We may may be addicts. We may have done some terrible things to get our drugs. But we are NOT nameless, faceless, anonymous nobodies. We are not Social Security Numbers, drivers license numbers or prison numbers. We are people, with needs, wants, hopes and dreams like everyone else.