Kingsway Recovery Resources

Kingsway Recovery Resources


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Resources For Addiction In New Jersey

Addiction in New Jersey is a significant issue both from a public health and mental health standpoint. In fact, according to the NJ Department of Health, over 80,000 people entered into a substance abuse rehab program in 2017 alone.

While that is a high number, unfortunately, it’s only a small fraction of the number of people who are suffering. The last 14 months or so have not helped the growing issue either. With many people stuck at home and suffering both mentally and even financially as a result of the covid pandemic, more and more people are looking for ways to numb the pain, both physically and mentally, and just feel better.

There is good news though. The state of New Jersey has a significant amount of detox and treatment resources for those who are struggling with both substance abuse and mental health disorders. These ailments are a disease. Nobody should be embarrassed or ashamed to get help for them either. Keep reading to learn how you or a loved one can get help for addiction as well as the programs that we offer at Kingsway Recovery.

What Are Some Common Signs Of Addiction?
resources While many people who are suffering from addiction get the help that they need on their own, even more people either convince themselves they don’t have a problem, ignore the signs, or even understand that they have a problem but for whatever reason can’t stop.

Unfortunately, in these cases, it often falls on the friends and/or family of those suffering to figure out a way to get them the help that they need and get them to go to treatment. That’s why it is so important to know some of the signs and symptoms to look for when trying to identify if a family member or loved one is suffering from addiction.

So, what are some of the common signs of addiction? Here are a few to keep an eye out for.

Behavioral Signs Of Addiction
While there are physical signs and symptoms associated with addiction, there are also several behavioral signs as well. Some behavioral signs of addiction include:

Obsessing over the substance
Hiding drugs or substances
Denying that they are using
Wanting to stop but not being able to
Changes in priorities
Losing interest in hobbies or activities
Struggling at work or school
Ignoring any side effects or ailments as a result of substance abuse
Severe mood swings
Ignoring or neglecting family members and friends
Ignoring or neglecting personal hygiene
Lying or stealing
Unexplained financial issues
Physical Signs Of Addiction
In addition to the behavioral and psychological signs, there are some physical signs of addiction to keep an eye out for. They include:

Drastic weight loss or gain
Bloodshot eyes
Dilated pupils
Personal hygiene problems
Slurred speech
Looking disheveled or unkempt
Poor coordination
Nausea or vomiting

If you have a family member or loved one who you fear is struggling with addiction, it’s important to try and get them the help that they need. Many who suffer from addiction won’t go to treatment on their own and oftentimes need the help and support of those around them to get them to go. While this can be a difficult thing to do, it’s important to know that you don’t have to do it alone.

At Kingsway Recovery it is our goal to get everyone the treatment that they need. We will talk you through the entire process and help you get your family member or loved one the help that they need so they can get on the road to recovery.

What Are The Steps In The Recovery Process?
resources The recovery process is a long one and in some cases, it never truly ends. However, there are certain steps someone who is going through treatment goes through in order to help make it a successful process.

The first step in the overall recovery process is to enter into a detox program. For your body and mind to truly recover from addiction, it can’t have any substances of abuse in it. The only way to do that is to detox so your body can rid itself of everything that is in it that’s not good.

Because of the nature of the detox process and the toll it takes on the body both physically and mentally, it is important to detox under the care and supervision of trained medical professionals. This should be done at either a medical facility, a dedicated detox center, or a treatment facility that also offers detox treatment. Attempting to self-detox at home can be incredibly dangerous or even life-threatening.

Once detox has been completed, the next step is to enter into a treatment program. At Kingsway Recovery, we offer a variety of treatment programs. When coming to Kingsway Recovery we will sit down with the person who is entering treatment and create a custom treatment plan designed specifically for their needs. After determining which treatment option is best for them, we will enter them into one of the following treatment programs that we offer:

Partial Care Services (PCS)
Partial care treatment allows the person in treatment to come to the facility just to get their treatment and then to return home to their normal life every day once their treatment obligations have been completed. This type of treatment is ideal for someone who is looking to get help for their addiction but simply is not able to commit to living in a facility while they undergo treatment due to obligations in their life such as work, school, or even caring for their children.

During partial care treatment, the person undergoing treatment will spend about 20 hours a week at the facility where they will participate in group and individual therapy sessions as well as have access to educational and community support services, psychiatric care, and medical and laboratory services.

Intensive Outpatient Treatment (IOP)
resources Just like partial care, the intensive outpatient treatment also allows the person undergoing treatment to come to the facility for treatment and then return home at the end of the day. Unlike partial care though, intensive outpatient treatment requires the person undergoing treatment to spend more time at the facility throughout the day and week.

Those entering intensive outpatient treatment will undergo intensive counseling and psycho-education for their substance abuse problem. These sessions will take place 3 to 5 times a week for a minimum of 3 hours a day.

Medically-Assisted Treatment (MAT)
Medically-assisted treatment is designed for those who are suffering from alcohol addiction or opioid addiction. During medically-assisted treatment, the person in the program will undergo a medical detox to remove all the harmful substances from the body.

During treatment, the person undergoing treatment will be provided FDA-approved medications to help treat the severe withdrawal symptoms associated with alcohol or opioid addiction and get them on the path to recovery. These

medications include:

Co-Occurring Disorders

Many people suffering from addiction are also suffering from mental health disorders as well. Some developed an addiction as a result of their mental health disorder while others developed a mental health condition as a side-effect of their illicit drug use. For those people who find themselves suffering from both, there is a treatment for co-occurring disorders. Treating both issues simultaneously is beneficial for several reasons including:

Helps those in treatment address their triggers, both mentally and physically
Provides an additional layer of support
Allows the person in treatment to address their mental health issues in a positive way
How Much Does Treatment Cost?
The cost of treatment varies depending on the time of treatment program you enter. While many insurance providers now cover the cost of treatment at least partially, depending on your insurance provider, what they cover, and if they are considered “in-network” or not, you still might incur some out-of-pocket expenses.

At Kingsway Recovery it is our goal to get you the help that you need at little to no cost you. We will work with both you and your insurance company to make sure that you get the help that you need at a price that you can afford.

Are You In Need of Addiction Treatment In New Jersey?
While many people have taken the first step in the recovery process and begun treatment, there are still many people out there who haven’t. They might not think that they have a problem or they might be too afraid or embarrassed to ask for help.

If you or someone you know could benefit from addiction treatment, contact us today. We have the resources here in New Jersey and want to help you down the path to a sober, happy, and healthy life.

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