Pasadena Villa
is a residential treatment center for adults with cognitive, emotional and social disorders including schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and asperger’s syndrome.
First and foremost, we believe every person can live a happy, productive and healthy life. We believe that every client has the ability to learn, grow and recover.
We also believe that every family who entrusts us with their son or daughter can once again come together and enjoy life’s journey together.
Second, we rigorously follow our Social Integration Model because we believe it is incumbent upon us to prepare our clients for life outside of any treatment program.
To us, it is less important how our clients function within the comfort of our facilities, and far more important how they function out in the real world.
Our Social Integration Model truly is Real Life, Real Time and Relevant.
625 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803. Toll-free: 877.845.5235. 407.246.0887