Substance-Related Disorders

substancerelatedNot Currently Listed in DSM-IV

Cannabis Withdrawal Substance-Use Disorder Alcohol-Use Disorder Amphetamine-Use Disorder Cannabis-Use Disorder Cocaine-Use Disorder Hallucinogen-Use Disorder Inhalant-Use Disorder Nicotine-Use Disorder Opioid-Use Disorder Other (or Unknown) Substance-Use Disorder Phencyclidine-Use Disorder Polysubstance-Use Disorder Sedative, Hypnotic, or Anxiolytic-Use Disorder

*Substance-Related Disorders Proposed to be Subsumed Under Other Diagnoses (No DSM-5 Criteria Proposed)

303.90 Alcohol Dependence
304.40 Amphetamine Dependence
304.30 Cannabis Dependence
304.20 Cocaine Dependence
304.50 Hallucinogen Dependence
305.00 Alcohol Abuse
305.70 Amphetamine Abuse
304.20 Cannabis Abuse
304.60 Cocaine Abuse
305.30 Hallucinogen Abuse
304.60 Inhalant Dependence
305.90 Inhalant Abuse
305.1 Nicotine Dependence
304.00 Opioid Dependence
305.5 Opioid Abuse
304.60 Phencyclidine Dependence
305.90 Phencyclidine Abuse
304.80 Polysubstance Dependence
304.10 Sedative, Hypnotic, or Anxiolytic Dependence
305.40 Sedative, Hypnotic, or Anxiolytic Abuse
304.90 Other (or Unknown) Substance Dependence
305.90 Other (or Unknown) Substance Abuse

*Substance-Related Disorders with No Changes Currently Proposed from DSM-IV
305.90 Caffeine Intoxication
303.00 Alcohol Intoxication
291.81 Alcohol Withdrawal
291.0 Alcohol Intoxication Delirium
291.0 Alcohol Withdrawal Delirium
291.2 Alcohol-Induced Persisting Dementia
291.1 Alcohol-Induced Persisting Amnestic Disorder
292.89 Caffeine-Induced Anxiety Disorder
292.85 Caffeine-Induced Sleep Disorder
292.9 Caffeine-Induced Disorder Not Otherwise Specified
291.5 Alcohol-Induced Psychotic Disorder – With Delusions
291.3 Alcohol-Induced Psychotic Disorder – With Hallucinations
291.89 Alcohol-Induced Mood Disorder
291.89 Alcohol-Induced Anxiety Disorder
291.89 Alcohol-Induced Sexual Dysfunction
291.82 Alcohol-Induced Sleep Disorder
291.9 Alcohol-Related Disorder Not Otherwise Specified
292.89 Amphetamine Intoxication
292.0 Amphetamine Withdrawal
292.81 Amphetamine Intoxication Delirium
292.11 Amphetamine-Induced Psychotic Disorder with Delusions
292.12 Amphetamine-Induced Psychotic Disorder with Hallucinations
292.84 Amphetamine-Induced Mood Disorder
292.89 Amphetamine-Induced Anxiety Disorder
292.89 Amphetamine-Induced Sexual Dysfunction
292.85 Amphetamine-Induced Sleep Disorder
292.9 Amphetamine-Related Disorder Not Otherwise Specified
292.89 Cannabis Intoxication
292.81 Cannabis Intoxication Delirium
292.11 Cannabis-Induced Psychotic Disorder with Delusions
292.12 Cannabis-Induced Psychotic Disorder with Hallucinations
292.89 Cannabis-Induced Anxiety Disorder
292.9 Cannabis-Related Disorder Not Otherwise Specified
292.89 Cocaine Intoxication
292.0 Cocaine Withdrawal
292.81 Cocaine Intoxication Delirium
292.11 Cocaine-Induced Psychotic Disorder with Delusions
292.12 Cocaine-Induced Psychotic Disorder with Hallucinations
292.84 Cocaine-Induced Mood Disorder
292.89 Cocaine-Induced Anxiety Disorder
292.89 Cocaine-Induced Sexual Dysfunction
292.85 Cocaine-Induced Sleep Disorder
292.9 Cocaine-Related Disorder Not Otherwise Specified
292.89 Hallucinogen Intoxication
292.89 Hallucinogen Persisting Perception Disorder
291.81 Hallucinogen Intoxication Delirium
292.11 Hallucinogen-Induced Psychotic Disorder with Delusions
292.12 Hallucinogen-Induced Psychotic Disorder with Hallucinations
292.84 Hallucinogen-Induced Mood Disorder
292.89 Hallucinogen-Induced Anxiety Disorder
292.9 Hallucinogen-Related Disorder NOS
292.89 Inhalant Intoxication
292.81 Inhalant Intoxication Delirium
292.82 Inhalant-Induced Persisting Dementia
292.11 Inhalant-Induced Psychotic Disorder with Delusions
292.12 Inhalant-Induced Psychotic Disorder with Hallucinations
292.84 Inhalant-Induced Mood Disorder
292.89 Inhalant-Induced Anxiety Disorder
292.9 Inhalant-Related Disorder NOS
292.0 Nicotine Withdrawal
292.9 Nicotine-Related Disorder NOS
292.89 Opioid Intoxication
292.0 Opioid Withdrawal
292.81 Opioid Intoxication Delirium
292.11 Opioid-Induced Psychotic Disorder with Delusions
292.12 Opioid-Induced Psychotic Disorder with Hallucinations
292.84 Opioid-Induced Mood Disorder
292.89 Opioid-Induced Sexual Dysfunction
292.85 Opioid-Induced Sleep Disorder
292.9 Opioid-Related Disorder NOS
292.89 Phencyclidine Intoxication
292.81 Phencyclidine Intoxication Delirium
292.11 Phencyclidine-Induced Psychotic Disorder with Delusions
292.12 Phencyclidine-Induced Psychotic Disorder with Hallucinations
292.84 Phencyclidine-Induced Mood Disorder
292.89 Phencyclidine-Induced Anxiety Disorder
292.9 Phencyclidine-Related Disorder NOS
292.89 Sedative, Hypnotic, or Anxiolytic Intoxication
292.0 Sedative, Hypnotic, or Anxiolytic Withdrawal
291.81 Sedative, Hypnotic, or Anxiolytic Intoxication Delirium
291.81 Sedative, Hypnotic, or Anxiolytic Withdrawal Delirium
292.82 Sedative-, Hypnotic-, or Anxiolytic-Induced Persisting Dementia
292.83 Sedative-, Hypnotic-, or Anxiolytic-Induced Persisting Amnestic Disorder
292.11 Sedative-, Hypnotic-, or Anxiolytic-Induced Psychotic Disorder with Delusions
292.12 Sedative-, Hypnotic-, or Anxiolytic-Induced Psychotic Disorder with Hallucinations
292.84 Sedative-, Hypnotic-, or Anxiolytic-Induced Mood Disorder
292.89 Sedative-, Hypnotic-, or Anxiolytic-Induced Anxiety Disorder
292.89 Sedative-, Hypnotic-, or Anxiolytic-Induced Sexual Dysfunction
292.89 Sedative-, Hypnotic-, or Anxiolytic-Induced Sleep Disorder
292.89 Sedative-, Hypnotic-, or Anxiolytic-Related Disorder NOS
292.89 Other (or Unknown) Substance Intoxication
292.0 Other (or Unknown) Substance Withdrawal
291.81 Other (or Unknown) Substance-Induced Delirium
292.82 Other (or Unknown) Substance-Induced Persisting Dementia
292.83 Other (or Unknown) Substance-Induced Persisting Amnestic Disorder
292.11 Other (or Unknown) Substance-Induced Psychotic Disorder with Delusions
292.12 Other (or Unknown) Substance-Induced Psychotic Disorder with Hallucinations
292.84 Other (or Unknown) Substance-Induced Mood Disorder
292.89 Other (or Unknown) Substance-Induced Anxiety Disorder
292.89 Other (or Unknown) Substance-Induced Sexual Dysfunction
292.89 Other (or Unknown) Substance-Induced Sleep Disorder
292.89 Other (or Unknown) Substance-Related Disorder NOS Substance-Induced Persisting Dementia Substance-Induced Persisting Amnestic Disorder

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