For Change.
Terrie M. Carpenter P.T., (415) 454-3657, 1343 Grand Avenue, San Rafael, Ca 94901.
Introduction to PT Services.
Many people struggling with chronic pain have already seen one or more physical therapists without success.
Traditional physical therapy tends to focus on body parts, rather than the whole person. This approach often does not work because chronic pain is usually the result of a variety of factors, all of which need to be addressed.
Understanding the underlying issues and how they relate to each other is a critical part of the healing process.
Our model of therapy is centered around increasing self-awareness, understanding movements patterns and poor self care habits that may be contributing to the pain cycle.
Psychotherapy Services
There are a variety of factors that contribute to a person’s emotional and psychological suffering.
Understanding the underlying issues and how they relate to each other is a critical part of the healing process.
Our model of therapy is centered around increasing self-awareness, understanding behavior patterns that may be contributing to emotional distress and healing psychic wounds.
Critical to this process is working with a therapist who is compassionate, accepting and non-judgmental and is also willing to help the client confront the issues contributing to their distress.