North Jersey Recovery Resources


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Opioid abuse, addiction, and overdose are public health concerns in the Garden State. This is because more and more people in New Jersey are struggling with addiction. In fact, according to the Department of Health, 80,000 people in New Jersey entered into rehab for substance use disorders in 2017 alone.

Not all struggling addicts have the wherewithal to enter addiction treatment though. Many people that struggle with addiction are so far deep that they allow themselves to overdose on substances. For example, due to the current opioid epidemic, over 3,000 New Jersey citizens overdosed on opioids in 2018 alone. Some people that overdose on substances even end up dying.

Luckily, in New Jersey, there are a plentiful amount of detox and addiction treatment centers and resources that those struggling with addiction in New Jersey and its surrounding states can easily turn to instead of succumbing to the disease that is addiction. Whatever addiction treatment program or service that you’re looking for, you can find it in New Jersey.

Phases of Care for a Successful Addiction Recovery
Even if you choose to attend addiction treatment at a high-quality rehab center in New Jersey such as North Jersey Recovery Center, the work doesn’t end there. To maintain sobriety, one must be proactive while in addiction recovery. Part of that means using different addiction treatment resources before, during, and after attending rehab.

Pre-Addiction Recovery Care in New Jersey
There are different resources available that can help those in need of a little extra assistance before entering addiction recovery on their own. For example, there is an IME Addictions Access Center 24/7 hotline that those entering addiction recovery can call to receive immediate addiction recovery assistance and support. Pre-addiction recovery support services can include things such as pre-treatment assessments, case management services, care coordination, motivational counseling, and addiction recovery mentorship.

Inpatient Treatment in the State of New Jersey
One can easily receive inpatient addiction treatment in New Jersey due to all of the addiction treatment centers available in the state. Inpatient addiction treatment is intensive and highly structured rehab in a stable environment that patients live in while receiving treatment.

Addiction treatment that is inpatient is ideal for those that have more intense addictions and don’t have the support, stable home life, and/or willpower to abstain from substance use when not supervised in a rehab center. People with co-occurring mental health and substance use disorders would benefit from attending inpatient dual diagnosis treatment.

There are six levels of inpatient addiction treatment. These six levels include the following:

1. Sub-acute detox is a residential detox. This means that people that attend sub-acute detox live at the facility that they’re receiving detox services at.

2. Sub-acute medical detox is also detox in which the patients live at the facility where they’re receiving detox services. The difference is that sub-acute medical detox provides medications to patients to help them manage their withdrawal symptoms as they go through detox.

3. Short-term residential treatment is addiction treatment in which patients live at the rehab center that they’re receiving treatment at, but for only up to 30 days. Patients in short-term residential treatment receive around-the-clock care.

4. Long-term residential treatment is addiction treatment in which patients live at the rehab center that they’re receiving care at, but for longer than 30 days. Patients attending long-term residential treatment also receive around-the-clock care. Long-term residential treatment is beneficial for people with intense addictions or people that chronically relapse, and thus need to deeply instill the healthy habits and coping mechanisms that are learned in rehab.

5. Sober living homes are apartment-style homes in living communities that only allow recovering addicts as residents. People that live in sober living homes have already completed addiction treatment but haven’t entered the real world on their own post-treatment before.

Sober living homes provide those in addiction recovery a safe and stable place to live as they slowly enter the real world. While living in sober living homes, recovering addicts attend support group meetings and addiction therapy.

6. Residential-assisted partial care patients stay in residential treatment facilities as they gradually re-enter the real world and perform real-world tasks.

Outpatient Treatment in the State of New Jersey
Similar to inpatient treatment, there are numerous rehab centers in New Jersey that offer outpatient addiction treatment. Also, similar to inpatient treatment, there are six levels of outpatient addiction treatment. These six levels include:

1. Early Intervention
Early intervention outpatient addiction treatment includes case management, care coordination, and referral services. Early intervention helps those in outpatient treatment immediately receive treatment services that are best suited for them.

2. Traditional Outpatient
Traditional outpatient services are addiction treatment programs and therapies that patients attend at rehab facilities and then go home afterward. So, people in outpatient addiction treatment do not live in the treatment centers that they receive care in.

3. Intensive Outpatient Programs (IOPs)
Intensive outpatient programs (IOPs) are essentially just as intensive as residential treatment programs. The only difference is that intensive outpatient program patients only receive intensive care for a few hours a day, a few times a week. Residential treatment patients, on the other hand, receive around-the-clock care and monitoring.

Another difference between IOP and residential treatment is that IOP patients get to live at home and go about their normal day-to-day lives when not receiving care. Residential treatment, on the other hand, requires patients to live at the treatment center that they’re receiving care at.

4. Partial Hospitalization Programs (PHPs)
Partial hospitalization programs are outpatient treatment programs that require patients to receive treatment for around five to eight hours a day, for nearly every day of the week. Since PHP treatment essentially occurs all day, many people call PHP treatment day treatment. Although PHP patients receive care all day long, they can go back to their own homes at night.

5. Outpatient Detox
Outpatient detox is when patients receive professional guidance and care while detoxing from substances from their own homes. People that receive outpatient detox care even receive professional guidance on how to manage withdrawals and cravings. Another term for outpatient detox is ambulatory detox.

6. Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT)
Medication-assisted treatment (MAT), is addiction treatment in which patients receive medications to help them balance their brain chemistries, manage withdrawals or co-occurring mental health conditions, and minimize relapse. MAT patients still receive the regular therapy, counseling, and addiction treatment programs that other outpatient addiction treatment program patients receive.

Post Recovery Care
Post addiction treatment and recovery care includes attending 12-step support group meetings and continued addiction therapy. Common addiction support groups in New Jersey include:

North New Jersey Alcoholics Anonymous (NIJAA)
Central Jersey Intergroup (CJI) Alcoholics Anonymous chapter
South Jersey Intergroup Association (AASJ) Alcoholics Anonymous Info.
Southern New Jersey AA General Service (SJ Area 45)
NA in New Jersey (NANJ)

Treatment Costs
There are many factors that affect the cost of addiction treatment. One of these factors is your level of addiction and thus, addiction treatment needs. The type of addiction treatment program that you plan on attending and what your health insurance covers also influence treatment costs.

When it comes to health insurance coverage for addiction treatment, many rehab centers accept private health insurance and Medicare or Medicaid. Some rehab centers even allow patients to pay for addiction treatment on a sliding scale based on income and regular expenses.

In New Jersey, mental health and addiction treatment services must receive just as much Medicaid coverage as normal physical health conditions. People with limited income and resources can also receive Medicaid assistance.

Substance Use Treatment Providers

Substance abuse treatment providers in New Jersey are licensed, monitored, and regulated by the Division of Mental Health and Addiction Services (DMHAS). Thus, independent substance abuse treatment providers offer continuum care based on the county where you live.

Independent substance abuse treatment providers can be public, private, or nonprofit. Public substance abuse treatment providers offer their services to people regardless of the amount of money that they or their insurance coverage can pay. That’s because many public substance abuse providers are funded by state and/or federal funds. Even the fee-for-service (FFS) network offered a quarter of its funding for rehab in New Jersey.

Nonprofit substance abuse providers receive funding from a variety of sources. Nonprofit substance abuse treatment providers also often provide community-based options. They even run programs like prevention campaigns and outreach for locals.

Private addiction treatment services fill the gaps that are often left by public programs that have long waiting lists and strict eligibility requirements. Private rehab programs generally provide more flexibility and amenities than public rehab programs do.

FAQ – Treatment Questions
How long does addiction treatment take?
The length of an addiction treatment program at North Jersey for Recovery depends on the type of program that you’re looking to attend. For example, the length of an inpatient alcohol addiction treatment program will not be the same length as an outpatient alcohol addiction treatment program.

In general, inpatient addiction treatment programs tend to last much longer than outpatient addiction treatment programs. This is because more intensive forms of substance abuse treatment occur in inpatient treatment than outpatient treatment. Inpatient and residential forms of addiction treatment tend to last 30 days or longer.

In general, outpatient addiction treatment programs tend to last less than 30 days. Outpatient treatment can also occur anywhere from once a week for an hour to nearly every day in the week for nearly all day.

It’s best to contact our team here at North Jersey Recovery Center to learn more about how long the rehab process will take for you.

Do you have family services?
Yes, we offer family services in the form of family therapy. Family therapy is counseling for a family with an individual in it that suffers from a substance use disorder. The purpose of family therapy is to bring healing to any strained familial relationships due to the toll that addiction has caused on the family.

Family therapy with a substance use disorder is also a great way to get the family members of an addict to understand and empathize with their related addict’s condition. Family therapy also helps family members see the way that they’re enabling or acting as a toxic force for their addicted loved ones and each other.

When will I receive care from a doctor?
The North Jersey for Recovery team is filled with experienced and highly qualified addiction treatment specialists, medical professionals, recovery coaches, mental health counselors, and more. When it comes to medical care, our treatment center employs numerous highly qualified clinicians, medical directors, nurse practitioners, and behavioral health technicians.

How often will I see my counselor?
The number of times that you’ll see your counselor depends on your addiction treatment program and the forms of therapy that you use. For example, if you’re a part of an addiction treatment program that requires you to attend counseling and/or therapy every day, you’ll see your counselor every day.

Do I need to attend group therapy?
Not every patient at the North Jersey Recovery Center will take part in group therapy. Whether or not, you’ll take part in group therapy will depend on what your individual therapist thinks you should do.

A therapist may suggest group therapy to individuals with personal concerns about their addiction recovery journeys and well-being. On the other hand, a therapist may not suggest group therapy for individuals that are just starting addiction treatment. This is because sharing personal information about one’s journey with addiction may be difficult if a person is just starting rehab.

What is the difference between inpatient and outpatient care?
Inpatient care requires its patients to live at the rehab facility that they’re receiving addiction treatment. Outpatient care doesn’t require its patients to live in the rehab facility that they’re receiving addiction treatment.

Therefore, outpatient treatment patients only come to a rehab facility during the hours that they’re receiving addiction treatment. Otherwise, they get to stay in the comfort of their own homes and live their normal lives.

Inpatient care, on the other hand, provides 24-hour care and monitoring as patients are separated from the outside world and living in a facility that’s only filled with other recovering addicts. Because inpatient care is more intensive and personal, people with severe addictions should attend it. People with less severe addictions that have support systems and stable home lives and are capable of staying home without relapsing can receive outpatient care.

What if I need to keep up with family, work, or school obligations? Can I still attend treatment?
Yes! To receive addiction treatment while still keeping up with your normal work, school, or family life, you should attend outpatient rehab. Just make sure that your home life is stable and that you can handle being on your own in-between treatment sessions and remaining sober.

Does treatment work?
Yes, it does! In fact, many of the practices used in addiction treatment are scientifically proven and evidence-based. Just know that just because addiction treatment works doesn’t mean that it will work for you, especially on your first try. To avoid relapsing, you’ll need dedication to sobriety and perseverance.

Benefits of Receiving Treatment at North Jersey Recovery Center
When receiving addiction treatment at North Jersey for Recovery, you reap many benefits. One of these benefits is the support group that you’ll build. Another benefit is all the services that addiction treatment here at North Jersey for Recovery provides you with.

Examples of services that North Jersey for Recovery provides its patients with include:

Addiction Intervention Services
Drug and Alcohol Detox/Treatment
Medication-Assisted Treatment
Inpatient Treatment
Outpatient Treatment
Partial Care Program Services
Intensive Outpatient Program
Sober Living Services
Dual Diagnosis Treatment Programs
Specialized Therapy Services
Telehealth Treatment
Relapse Prevention Planning

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