John Bramlett

jonBorn 12/11/55: San Francisco, California.

Died accidently or of an intentional suicide or of a Heroin Overdose in 1997 in Alaska John relasped after being clean for 14 years and some.

Click Here for Addict Out of the Dark and into the Light – 37_John.mp3

He started with Pain pills which eventually lead back to the spoon filled with China White heroin or Mexican Mud.

John started using alcohol when he was twelve. He proceeded into pot, pills, speed at the age of eighteen. He did whatever he had to do to stay loaded, to try to support a habit and run on the streets. He spent half of his youth in jails and institutions.

My name is John Bramlett. I grew up in Northern California. I grew up in a poor family, very poverty stricken. I began to look for ways to live life in an easier, simpler way and that was usually illegal. I started using alcohol when I was twelve. I proceeded into pot, pills, speed at the age of thirteen and pretty much proceeded into that path of crime and drugs through the years eighteen or nineteen.

At the point when I was eighteen I had my first realization of the problem of drugs and that was in a nervous breakdown. It was my first experience with addiction, a knowledge of addiction. After that I had checked into a recovery, house for drugs, which didn’t last long. I didn’t learn much. Through that I just basically did the things that we do when we try to support a habit, which is run on the streets, and do whatever I had to do to get loaded.

That period of time between when I was eighteen to twenty three, I spent half of it in jail or some type of institution. At that point I came to some realizations that I needed to do something with my life or I was going to die. That’s when I found recovery and that was nine years ago.

The path that I lead is to live a productive life in society and do the best I can to live myself and be happy and help others when I can. That’s the focal point of my living process today. Some of my beliefs today are all my beliefs that I live. I don’t have any other religious preferences, and I believe in a God who watches over me — is the principle of take care of things as we go. Be honest, willing to learn a better way of life.

And that’s a continual daily process for me. A lot of trial and error, shedding the ways and the thought patterns that I had learned and used while on the streets. It is a long, long process. There is no overnight solution. So it’s a constantly trial and error situation and some days I am better at it, and some other days I am not. I find that working with other addicts is the only way that works for me.

I get a full understanding from people that know where I have come from, where I want to go and need to go, can relate to how I have lived on the streets. I can relate to where they have come from.

It’s the only way that I have found over the years that really works effectively, productively to stay clean. The interaction with addicts trying to stay clean and staying clean is the only true way that I have found that really works to stay continually abstinent from drugs and alcohol. To summarize myself in recovery: I live life the best I can today.

The biggest happiness is watching other addicts get clean and stay clean. For the bottom line for me is by the grace of God, as I understand my God, and leading a spiritual path for me that I didn’t pick. I know this, that anybody can stay clean from drugs if they apply the principles in their life. If they work at it and stay with it. It doesn’t come overnight. That’s about the only message I have.

Click Here for Addict Out of the Dark and into the Light


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