
wellconaldipipanone + cyclizine: Otherwise known as Pinks, Inxs or Inkiltins, Wellconal is a Schedule-7 prescription painkiller. It contains dipipanone, which is a derivative of methadone and a potent analgesic (pain relieving) drug.

It is a powerful synthetic narcotic and is medically prescribed for people who are terminally ill or experiencing severe pain.

An addict who survived pinks writes: I stumbled on your site and was intrigued to see the stuff about wellconal. In Liverpool known as Diconal. pink scored tabs marked f3a.

There was an epidemic of dike use in the early 70’s ‘cause the effect was like a poor mans speedball.

The cyclizine gave it the hallucinatory dimension. To this day I remember vividly the involuntary cough as I successfully mainlined 3 dike crushed and shook in suspension into my groin (femoral vein) the pause then the rush.

They reduced the shelf life of veins to days rather than years.

When we couldn’t get them we discovered we could inject over the counter Marzine travel sickness tablets ( just cyclizine) mixed with methadone amps to get nearly the same buzz.

Practically everyone who used that way is long dead or disappeared.

It sometimes feels that like Melville’s Ishmael I alone survived to tell the tale. Anyway, I found recovery through my wife in ’88 went through treatment got clean and we’re both 15 years clean now.

I still marvel at it every day. Especially now as 2003 slips rapidly away. Thank you and best wishes to you and yours for the New Year Yours in fellowship

Nick M. United Kingdom


Otherwise known as Pinks, Inxs or Inkiltins, Wellconal is a Schedule-7 prescription painkiller. It contains dipipanone, which is a derivative of methadone and a potent analgesic (pain relieving) drug.

It is classed as Narcotic Analgesic, along with Heroin, and is a Central Nervous System(CNS) depressant. It is prescribed when people are suffering extreme pain, such as terminal diseases like malignant cancers. It also contains cyclizine (3/4 by mass) to stop vomiting.

It comes in a pink, scored tablet, marked ‘Wellcome’ after the company that makes it. If taken orally, it produces a euphoric state. However if crushed and mixed with water and injected, a rush is experienced. Within seconds of being injected, it produces an overwhelming, inexplicable feeling. This last for a 20/40 seconds after which you subside into a euphoric bliss which gradually wears off over an hour or so. Auditory and visual hallucinations have also been reported.

In the beginning users mix 1 or 2 Wellconal tablets with clean boiled or ampoules of sterile water, and this solution is then injected into a vein. The medical dosage for relieving pain is one tablet per 6 hours.

Physical and psychological dependency occurs rapidly, as well as tolerance. Addiction is almost inevitable. Not using for any period will result in loss of tolerance, and doses should be adjusted accordingly to prevent overdose.

Signs of intoxication include pin-prick pupils (miosis), slurred speech and drowsiness, confusion, nausea, scratching, verbal diarrhoea and sweating. Side effects include weight loss, loss of appetite, loss of libido, long periods of sleep, apathy, mood swings, constipation, hypotension (low blood pressure), respiratory depression (inability to breath), vertigo and delirium.

Health risks include liver and kidney damage, abscesses at the injection sites, danger of infections such as AIDS and hepatitis from sharing needles. Septicaemia often sets in and can result in terrible abscesses forming usually on the legs of the user. Death by over dose is a very real risk as well.

Wellconal collapses veins extremely easily and users soon find themselves shooting deep veins such as the groin and throat. Poor nutrition, personal neglect, and polluting the body lead to poor health.

Many Wellconal users die from an over dose. It is unusual for a user to live longer than the two to five years after becoming dependent. Users often slip into a coma and die even after having doses smaller than their usual. They often forget having had a shot directly after having it, and so they may have another and overdose. Because of this, Wellconal users should never use alone.

Signs of overdose include respiratory depression, hypotension, circulatory failure and a deepening coma as well as pin prick pupils. The pupils might dilate as asphyxia (lack of oxygen in the blood) starts. Urgent medical attention must be sought.

Further dangers arise when combined with other CNS depressants as well as alcohol and sedatives, which increase the risk of over dose, specifically respiratory depression. Combining with a CNS Stimulant will reduce its effects and increase the temptation to up the dose, increasing the chance of over dose. It should not be taken within 14 days of taking a Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitor (MAOI).

Hillbrow, (South Africa) with its corruption and violence, slum landlords, crooked police, strip-joints and night clubs, drug-lords, pimps, brothels and massage parlours, prostitution, sex buyers, and overall decadence have become the burial grounds for our children. Some of our children died of Wellconal (pinks) OD, others from Heroin or more violently from crack cocaine rocks OD’s.

Many deaths were as the result of continued physical and drug abuse – the girls died of septicemia, thrombosis, heart failure, pneumonia, malnutrition, AIDS. As the victims of sexual perversions many girls were raped, mutilated and murdered. With their miserable lives becoming unbearable – some of our heartbroken children chose the only way out left for them, they would cop out by committing suicide.


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