
referClinical Director at Intervention Organization: “Chris Keeley is a colleague (across the Pacific Ocean) who I highly regard for his many talents and for the prodigious energy with which he maximizes them. He’s an honest man of integrity, and very well respected in several fields in which he applies his efforts, from social work to photography. His communication/social networking skills are especially very well developed.” October 20, 2009.

Pip Wilson , Student , Macquarie University, was with another company when working with Christopher at Intervention Organization.

“The first thing that impressed me about Chris was his passion for his work and life. Honest and a person that gives back to his community.” February 24, 2009.

Tim Smith , Vice President Criminal Justice Division , Mental Health Systems, Inc., was with another company when working with Christopher at Intervention Organization.

“Chris is one of the most compassionate people I know. If I needed an intervention, I would want Chris to facilitate it. No one does more to help people with the disease of addiction than Chris.” September 28, 2008.

Norman Meres , Adjunct Assistant Professor , Northern Virginia Community College, was with another company when working with Christopher at Intervention Organization.

“Chris has the back ground and the energy to provide the necessary and most effective response to intervention situations” April 7, 2008.

Pat Jollie , Cultural Information Assistant , National Museum of the American Indian, worked with Christopher at Intervention Organization.

“Chris is very detail oriented, and is passionate about his work. Sean” December 2, 2007.

Sean Carter , Membership Manager , American Dental Education Association, reported to Christopher at Intervention Organization.

“Chris pulled off a successful intervention in 1995 on an alcoholic that everyone else had pretty much given up on. That alcoholic is still sober 12 years later. Chris’s combination of toughness, expertise, and creativity were key to the alcoholic’s recovery and continuing sobriety.” September 10, 2007.

Top qualities: Great Results , Expert , Creative.
Timothy Allen hired Christopher as a Intervention Director in 1995.

“Chris is a talented, dedicated reliable man. He’s got the uncommon gift of common sense. He’s sensitive, real and helpful.” June 24, 2007.

Todd Sukol , Owner , Sukol Communications, LLC, was with another company when working with Christopher at Intervention Organization.

“Chris is a great case manger.” June 11, 2007.

Sean Carter , Sr. Membership Manager , Association for Psychological Science was a consultant or contractor to Christopher at Intervention Organization.

“Chris has the deepest understanding of addiction possible.His photographic work of addicts in recovery and interviews reveal his unique sensitivity and ability to reach,communicate with addicts.I have known Chris and his work since 1988 and his progressive growth is inspiring to me personally and photographically….his dedication to helping others is boundless and unconditional. All the Best, Shmuel/Stephen Rockwerk” May 31, 2007.

Stephan Rockwerk , photographer , rockwerk photography, was with another company when working with Christopher at Intervention Organization.

“Chis has shown to be a dilligent and concerned director for his clients and an avocate to keeping them in touch and aware of their options in life.” May 13, 2007.

Byron Peck , Founder/Artistic Director , City Arts Inc., was with another company when working with Christopher at Intervention Organization.

“Chris is highly regarded within the addiction recovery industry. Though I do not know him well in this capacity, I have been his friend for over 30 years and our families enjoy an important, life-long connection. As an artist (specifically as a photographer), Chris is an award-winning creative force for social change and the highest good. Through the lens of his camera, Chris is able to bring to his photographs a view of our modern world that makes clear his awareness of the world’s ongoing need for healing across all levels of society. Additionally, Chris has a deep love of the natural world and his photographic testimony in this regard is truly breath-taking. Chris Keeley is truly one of those people in our world that quietly, but significantly makes an impact in the lives of individuals, while ministering to the rest of us just by being true to himself.” May 9, 2007.

Jim Horan , Admin Asst , IBM, was with another company when working with Christopher at Intervention Organization.

“Chris and indeed is a great source of information and education of substance abuse and more importantly, recovery. Chris’s dedication to helping men and women with drug and acohol problems is outstanding. His humanity only serves the ‘greater good’ and he is truly an inspiration to anyone with an opportunity to work with him either as a client, a co-worker or within the artist’s community. Ann Allen, Australia” May 9, 2007.

Ann Allen , Manager , Shades, was with another company when working with Christopher at Intervention Organization.

“I have been involved with Mr. Keeley in a professional capacity since 1994. Mr. Keeley is a completent clincial social worker and manager with great clinincal and managerial skills. He has excellent knowledge and experience in the treatment of substance abuse as well as other individual and co-occuring diagnoses, such as depression, bipolar disorder and personality diorders. He is also well versed in issues that bring children and families to the attenton of child protective servcie. In the past several years, he has been instrumental in leading a large number of clinical social workers to ensure that children achieve safety, well being and permanency. Mr. Keeley has either testified or prepared his supervisees in providing testimony as expert witnesses in court proceedings. In addition to clinical issues, Mr. Keeley is well aware of larger societal factors that contribute to the production and/or maintenance of individual and social ills. Mr. Keeley has attempted to work toward alleviation of individual and social problems through his writing and art, in particular photography. I am strongly confident that Mr. Keeley will be an asset in any endeavor that requires his contributions.” May 9, 2007.

Sina Baktash , Clinical Social Worker , Child and Family Services Agency, worked directly with Christopher at Intervention Organization.

“I first met Chris online around 1999 to 2000, being a recovering alcoholic I stumbled across the website I had exchanged a few emails with Chris and had a particular interest in his work as a photographer. Having read many of the blogs and writings of Chris I gained valuable information about recovery. In early 2007 I relapsed after 7 years of sobriety, feeling alone, guilt ridden and confused I called Chris on the phone, he immediately helped me find a local meeting and the following day had his sponsor call me on the phone, Somehow I wasn’t surprised but was still very much inspired by the kind actions of someone I had only met via the internet. I can not imagine what more an employer might look for or want in an employee. I would highly recommend Chris, he helped me tremendously in a time of need, freely and without obligation. Sincerely, Timothy A. Hynde” May 8, 2007.

Top qualities: Great Results , Personable , Expert.
Tim Hynde hired Christopher as a Counseling in 2007.

Photographer/Artist at Chris Keeley Photography

“Use your eyes, brain and heart — if you do you won’t need my recommendation. This guy’s got an awful lot on the ball in so many ways. A pleasure to recommmend him.” June 24, 2007.

Todd Sukol , Owner , Sukol Communications, LLC, was with another company when working with Christopher at Chris Keeley Photography.

“Chris is a very dedicated photographer and artist as well a focused director of NA which serves to help many in our community. Byron Peck,” June 7, 2007

Byron Peck , Founder/Artistic Director , City Arts Inc., worked directly with Christopher at Chris Keeley Photography.

“Chris Keeley has an amazing eye for finding people and locations that always seem to have a connection with the subject. I highly recommend him.” May 8, 2007.

Chris Tufty , Owner , Tufty Productions, was with another company when working with Christopher at Chris Keeley Photography.


dark shadow side

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Thank You

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Paradise Life

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Photographic Memories CP

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Photographic Memories

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Stunning Memoir

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References from NAYMZ

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Amazing story

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